one too many

[wʌn tu: ˈmeni]
  • 释义
  • 多余;碍手碍脚;多余的一个;<美口>过量的酒;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I never want to have another experience like that. I've had one too many.

    我永远不想再有一次那样的经历了, 那一次已经够多的啦.

  • 2、

    I think David's had one too many. He can hardly stand up.

    我觉得戴维喝多了, 他都站不住了.

  • 3、

    But a quick one turned into one or two, and soon those became one too many.

    不想,一杯变成两杯, 很快变成了许多杯.

  • 4、

    He bought four tickets, which was one too many.

    他买了四张票, 多了一张.

  • 5、

    Squealing brakes announced he had chased one too many squirrels into the street.


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